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Free Bilingual StoryWalk®

Compelled by the power of StoryWalk to transform community literacy, the publisher Child’s Play has once again teamed up with Curious City StoryWalks to offer a FREE StoryWalk for your community!

This StoryWalk co-produced with Curious City’s sister organization, I’m Your Neighbor Books features a bilingual immigration story and discussion questions about welcoming and belonging.


Nieve en la jungla / Snow in the Jungle
by Ariane Hoffman-Maniyar
Translated by Yanitzia Canetti
Published by Child’s Play International

Fill out the form on the Curious City webpage to get the high resolution files so you can put this wonderful book into your StoryWalk Solutions installation!


Size: 24″ W x 18″ L
Number of Signs: 16
File Type: 16 individual high resolution PDF’s
No Customization: While Curious City StoryWalks normally works with communities to customize our other StoryWalks, this free StoryWalk cannot be customized with your logos or resized.
Copyright/Permission: The publisher Child’s Play has waived the need for individual permission. You are NOT violating copyright by using this signage.
Sponsorships: If you need to thank sponsors, feel free to make an additional sign. Please honor the creators of this StoryWalk® by displaying the last sign with information about our immigrant welcoming projects.
Display Permission: Can be displayed for five years.

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Get Aoife Greenham’s BIG DANCE free for your StoryWalk®

Aoife Greenham, Big Dance Dad

For a limited time, get the high resolution files from Big Dance for an outdoor, social distanced 16-page StoryWalk® experience.

Get it here from our friends at Curious City →

Size: 24″ W x 18″ L
Number of Signs: 16
File Type: 16 individual high resolution PDF’s
No Customization: While Curious City normally works with communities to customize our other StoryWalks, this free StoryWalk® cannot be customized with your logos or resized.
Display Permission: Can be displayed for five years.

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StoryWalk® Solutions News Roundup

Lots of exciting new StoryWalk® Solutions installations around the country! Check out some of them below. If you’re thinking of an installation, get a free quote for your StoryWalk® project.

Let’s Move In Libraries

Let’s Move In Libraries provided a great overview of how libraries can get started with a StoryWalk®.

Illinois Library Association

Celebrate three StoryWalk® projects in Illinois Library Association.

StoryWalk®  in Michigan City Parks

See how Michigan cities have implemented StoryWalk®, including braille stories!

Columbia Park’s New StoryWalk®

Taking the kids for a walk through Columbia Park now has both physical and literary benefits.

Grandview Heights Library’s StoryWalk® Exercises Kids’ Bodies and Brains 

“The idea is to promote literacy with physical activity,” said Eileen McNeil, the library’s director of patron services.

Pohlman Brings in the Gold With StoryWalk®

A Jacksonville senior attains Girl Scouts highest honor with the installation of a StoryWalk®.

StoryWalk at Albert Wisner Library

The debut exhibit is actually not a story but an art exhibit, created by Warwick Valley Middle School students in the art classes of Nicole Heller and Julie Sisco.

Librarian’s Professional Dream Come True: Our First Storywalk®!

“The walking path at this park is about three quarters of a mile and we ordered 20 posts, which is what I am told is the usual amount that libraries order.”

Boca Raton Public Library Unveils StoryWalk® at Pondhawk Natural Area

In celebration of National Park and Recreation Month, the first StoryWalk® in Boca Raton has opened at the Pondhawk Natural Area next to the Spanish River branch of the Boca Raton Public Library.